First countdown complete!! Happy Valentines Day!! Well, it is here in Thailand anyways. I have a wonderful Valentine today, thank you Bethany ;) Who just can't seem to find surprises out! I had her present hidden in one of my drawers and for some reason she decides to start going through my drawers and sees it! So the surprise is ruined but oh well...
Second countdown-- 2 days! till Bethany and I get on a plane to Malaysia. She needed to get out of country for her visa so I am 'escorting' her to Malaysia where we will stay for 1 day before I fly straight home from there. This is also the countdown to some very very difficult goodbyes to all the people here who have become like family to me in so many different ways.
Third countdown-- 4 days, goodbye to Bethany. I think this will be the hardest goodbye I have to say. Neither of us are sure what we are going to do without each other. Right after I say goodbye, I'll be getting on a plane to fly half way around the world by myself with a broken back. I love adventure!
Fourth countdown-- 5 days, touchdown in America!! I am so excited to see all my family and friends! I have missed them all so much!! I'm also super excited to just be back in America. I am so proud to be an American!
Fifth countdown -- 2 1/2 months, till I can get out of this back brace!! It's already driving me crazy and I'm going insane with the little amount of physical activities I can do!
All of these countdowns have my head swirling in a fury of thoughts and emotions. I am so so so excited to be home and seeing family. But at the same time, the goodbyes will be some of the hardest of my life. My time here I feel has forged some of the strongest bonds I have ever had. I have changed so much here and grown into a very different person, and these people have been with me every single day. Sharing a house with them has let them see me at my best and my worst. I have to admit quite a few insecurities in coming home to the people I left behind. I'm holding tightly to the security I have gained in Christ since coming here. I'm not sure what the future holds or how I'll be able to handle myself being back in America. I can only imagine it's going to be a bit of a rough transition.
Thankfully all of this pales in comparison to another countdown. The countdown of Christ's return. Except this is a countdown we have no date for. Instead, we are called to live like it's tomorrow. And so that is my plan in returning home and making so many choices that I'll be called upon to make once back. Even with a broken back, I want to live like Christ is coming home tomorrow. Making every single second count. Every day finding a new way to bring Him the glory He is so entirely worthy of.
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