Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Christ Like Love

Love. True Love. Christ Like Love. What does that even look like? A love that sacrifces. A love that is uncondiontal. A love that is passionate. A love that is completely selfless. A love that saves and protects.

Words. Distant Words. Abstract Words. How can we begin to even imagine a love like Christ has for us. That fervent passion that drove him to willingly face the most horrific, painful, gory, disgraceful death imaginable at the hands of the people for who He so longed. For me. For us.

But this afternoon brought me to tears as I realized the idea of this love was no longer so abstract. That I had begun to feel it daily. To experience that kind of passion and devotion.

Epesians 5: 25-30 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the Church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; for no one ever hated his own flesh. But nourishes and cheirishes it, just as Christ also does the Church, because we are members of one body.

My husband could not be any closer to this passage from the Bible. He cares for me above himself. He protects me. He holds me when I cry. Cares for me when I’m sick. Sacrifces his desires for mine. He bought me a jeep, for no other reason than I thought it was cool and I enjoy jeeps. He did so knowing the extra gas money it would cost him. He bought me a new gun for my birthday, instead of this very cool one that just came out that he’s been drooling over. He does his best to always let me know when he’ll be home,even though he is a full grown man and certainly doesn’t need my permission for anything.  He takes every chance to spoil me that he can. He opens my car door every time we drive anywhere. He hates rice and yet continues to smile and eat a plateful and say thank you for the wonderful meal. I cannot recall a time he has complained about anything I’ve made or done. And he does it all because of his overwhelming love for me. His eyes light up every chance he gets to do anything for me. He can be tireder than a dog after a hard day at work and still jumps at the chance to rub my sore neck. He shows me a love that most days I do not deserve.  And he expects NOTHING back at all. He just longs for my love and complete devotion in return.

And isn’t that how it is with Christ. Most days we are not in any sort, form, or fasion deserving of this unending love He shows us. We whine and cry and demand our way or scream “that’s not fair”.  While every day taking full advantage of and taking for granted His unending show of love He pours on us. Yet He keeps showing us with it. Passionately vying for our undivded love and utter devotion. To love Him as He loves us. But that’s the hard part. Because that means dying to ourselves. There is no way to love someone else so completely without laying down your desires and passions first. And that goes against everything we have been taught; to sacrifice yourself in your pursuit of love for another. That goes against all the rules of self protection, right? But Christ is our protector and our redeemer and our passionate lover. His love never fails. I thank my husband for pushing me towards Christ in so many ways and for helping me start to gain a heavenly instead of worldly view of the love our Father has for us. 

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