Monday, October 10, 2011


You know what the epitome of feeling useless is? Not knowing the eternal destination of a dead loved one. The hopelessness. The despair. 

You start asking God, "Why God? Why him? Why didn't you appear to him or something? Why didn't you bring someone in their life to show them You?! I know there where people in His life that knew You. So WHY?! Why didn't they speak up?! Were they afraid? Afraid of what he might have thought of them? Were they just lazy? 'Oh, I'll talk to him when I get the chance away from my busy schedule to take him out for coffee.' Were they looking for the 'perfect opportunity'? So many people loved him! I know some of them had to know You God. When they saw the destruction he was bringing on himself, why didn't they passionately pursue him?! They knew where he was heading; to a place of eternal torment; to a place of wailing and gnashing of teeth, to a place of suffering. Why didn't they run after him, beg him, plead with him or try to show him You?! What went wrong? Or did they just not care? Not care about him? or worse, did they not truly care and completely believe and grasp and care about you?" 

Once you hit that point in the questions, silence falls over your thoughts as the implications start to hit. As I live everyday, how many of other-people's-loved-ones do I interact with that don't personally know my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How many people have I told passionately of the love, grace, and forgiveness I have received?  Of my completely new life? Of my transformation? How many hard conversations have I avoided on pretext of not wanting to offend them? How many times have I waited till tomorrow because I wasn't 'up for it today?' How many times have I patiently waited for the perfect opportunity to come up while letting any opportunity I had come and go? Do I really believe that what I believe is really real? (Truth Project)

Once again, silence falls. This time however at fear and disgust at the answer. No. How can the answer be yes?! If I really truly believed with every ounce of my soul, how could I even think for half a second of anything short of serving my beloved Savior and bringing Him glory in all I do? How could I daily interact with people, even close friends and just roll off the fact they don't know my Lord? how could I look them in the eye and say nothing, knowingly signing their death sentence? I couldn't. So why can I? 

1 comment:

  1. Are you in any way having any problems in your area due to the flooding in Bangkok and other areas across Thailand? Will this alter the plan to go to Cambodia and other places?

    Did you receive the two mailings from Oro Valley, esp. the last with the photos?
